Real RPA Case Studies, Real Verifiable Solutions
Industry: Healthcare
Applications: Cerner, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook
Problem: Staff members were spending 3 minutes per patient to update the HOPD Coding information from an excel sheet that came in via email.
Solution: By applying automation, the CampTek team was able to bring the process time down to 1 minute per patient line. The Bot pulls down an excel sheet that is emailed by a human user to a bot specific account. It then reads the sheet and updates each patient through the process steps below.
Process Map:
Example Executive Dashboard data visualizations
- Visual ROIs of both Macro and Micro views
- FTE Hours saved
- Cost Savings
- Runtime hours
- Bot utilization
- Trending and Reporting
CampTek Software provides Customizable Executive Dashboards for each bot so that customers can see powerful and actionable analytics data on their automation success.
CampTek Software Managed LifeCycle Platform
The customer also sees the value that this managed services solution brings to their organization. The full lifecycle solution provides bot development, hosting, and full bot support. This not only brings initial costs down by at least 50%, it also provides far less risk and a fast ROI (Return on Investment).
About CampTek Software
CampTek Software is a Full-Life-Cycle RPA SaaS Provider. With industry experience developing and supporting RPA Applications since 2005, we have the expertise to support any Automation initiative you can think of. CampTek will be with you on every step of your RPA Journey. With our unique background, we are qualified to develop and support any RPA Process. We offer Advising Services, Host Support and Bot Support for all production processes. Our unique hosted model offers many powerful advantages including a shorter time to market, 24/7 support and overall lower cost of entry.